Comparison the differentiate ability of wisdom tooth follicle stem cells into nerve and bone tissue

Background: The ultimate goal of craniomaxillofacial treatment is to achieve bone, nerve, cartilage regeneration with the reconstruction of all the components. The goal of this study was to assess Comparison the differentiate ability of wisdom tooth follicle stem cells into nerve and bone tissue Methods and Materials: in this experimental study, 3 samples of impacted 3rd molar follicle were used to isolate stem cells. After approved the mesenchymal stem cells, neural differentiation and bone differentiation of cells cultured in standard medium culture for neural differentiation and bone differentiation. Twenty-one days later the differentiation of the stem cells were examined and compared. Results: Upon examining the gene expression of osteoblasts, osteocalcin, beta Tubulin genes and MAP2 the cultured specimens had statistically desirable osteoblastic and neuroblastic induction. Conclusion: Results showed that neurogenic and osteogenic differentiating potential was detected in derived stem cell from tooth follicle cells. This study demonstrated that dental follicle can be used in the cellular treatment and tissue engineering in both of neural and bone damages repair. Key Words: Dental follicle, Stem Cell, Neural Differentiation, Osteogenic Differentiation, Tissue Engineering
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