24 اسفند 1403

دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران

مرکز تحقیقات جراحی های فک و صورت

  • تاریخ انتشار : 1402/12/09 - 10:31
  • number of visits : 18
  • زمان مطالعه : 1 دقیقه

Molecular detection of Chlamydia Pneumoniae in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases with both real time polymerase chain reaction and polymerase chain reaction methods


BACKGROUND: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a type of pulmonary obstruction disease which its symptoms are aggravated by aging. The cardinal symptoms of this disease are; breathlessness, cough, and phlegm. Sometimes, people with COPD may also have bacterial infections. The aim of this study was to use molecular PCR and Real Time PCR methods in order to detect the Chlamydia Pneumoniae infection in persons with COPD. METHODS: In this study, 50 patients with COPD were evaluated. From these, 27 were male and 23 were female. The samples of respiratory secretion of patients with COPD who were suspected with bacterial infection were collected and DNA extracted. Then, molecular experiments were accomplished with the use of both commercial kits and designed primers. RESULTS: There was no meaningful gender difference (P value >0.05). The average age of patients was 60.8±10.4. The number of positive cases for the Chlamydia Pneumoniae bacteria; 3 out of 50 people were positive by kits and 2 out of 50 people were positive by the second way of PCR.
CONCLUSIONS: In this study, fine results were acquired regarding the PCR which carried out with designed primers in comparison with the commercial kits available. KEY WORDS: Pulmonary disease, chronic obstructive - Chlamydophila Pneumoniae - Polymerase chain reaction - Real-time polymerase chain reaction

  • Article_DOI : https://doi.org/10.23736/S0026-4954.19.01851-0
  • نویسندگان : نغمه بهرامی,هما علیزاده,فرزانه حسینی
  • گروه خبر : کارشناس مقالات,مقالات
  • کد خبر : 260612
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