Study of differentiation of periodontal ligament-derived stem cells to mucinic cells of salivary glands by co-culture method
Summary of the need to implement the plan
Hypofunction of the salivary glands and its associated symptoms, called dry mouth, are characteristic of several systemic diseases, such as: Sjogren's syndrome, granulomatous disease, cystic fibrosis, uncontrolled diabetes, human immunodeficiency virus infection, thyroid disease, and end-stage liver problems. Also, salivary gland hypofunction is one of the most important long-term complications for more than 550,000 patients who are diagnosed with head and neck cancer annually, and for whom radiation therapy is the main treatment. Saliva is needed for digestion, lubrication, oral homeostasis and protection against various microbial and environmental hazards.
Start Year: 2019
The project manager: Dr. Maryam Kobaee
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