Jan 18 2025

Craniomaxillofacial Research Center

  • تاریخ انتشار : Aug 28 2024 - 16:17
  • تعداد بازدید کنندگان خبر : 9
  • زمان مطالعه : 1 minute(s)

Comparison of facial symmetry after surgical reconstruction of segmental defects in mandible using digital and conventional method

Summary of the necessity of the plan

Defects in the mandible bone due to trauma or surgery following pathological lesions can cause severe disorders in the function of the mandible and the appearance of the face and even the patient's social activities. Mandibular bone reconstruction surgery is commonly performed to improve or restore function and beauty, but the main challenge is to maintain proper facial contours and return function and normal appearance to the lower third of the face. In general, titanium plates are used to reconstruct the mandible. The contour and proper adaptation of these reconstruction plates are necessary for the aesthetic results and proper function after the operation. In the common method of mandible reconstruction surgery, the titanium plate that is not shaped before the operation is shaped by the surgeon during the mandible reconstruction surgery, which significantly increases the duration. In addition, the multiple bending of the plate by the surgeon causes fatigue in the plate and reduces its strength. Today, the use of computer modeling and design has provided a new possibility in the field of mandible reconstruction. With the stereolithography technique, we are able to make a three-dimensional model of the mandible for each patient, and then the reconstruction plate is formed on the model before the operation. Other limited studies have been conducted to investigate and compare the facial pallor, the duration of surgery and the position of the condyle in the conventional method and the methods of preparing the 3D model of the mandible. Since there has been no study in Iran comparing the results of surgery using a stereolithographic model of the mandible and the conventional method, this study was designed to compare the ability of two different surgical methods in contouring the face and restoring the beauty of the lower face.

Project Manager: Dr. Tahereh Padganeh

Start Year: 2020

  • گروه خبری : طرح های پژوهشی,کارشناس طرح ها.
  • کد خبر : 276367
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